Johann Heinrich Berger 1657-1732

Berger married Maria Sophia Jacobi (* 1665 Dresden; † 1711), the daughter of Dr. jur. Adam Christoph Jacobi and Maria Gertrud Börner (1645–1711). The couple had eight children, four sons and a daughter survived him. The surviving sons were Christof Heinrich von Berger, Johann Samuel von Berger (born August 16, 1691 in Wittenberg † September 17, 1757 in Celle, enrolled at the University of Wittenberg on October 14, 1703, received a master’s degree in philosophy, licentiate on October 18, 1709 and doctor of medicine in September 1713, doctor in Celle, married for the second time in 1726 to Margarethe Louise von Ramdohr (1705–1790), granddaughter of Andreas Ramdohr), Johann August von Berger and Friedrich Ludwig von Berger. The daughter married the theologian Andreas Charitius.

Size 20 x 15 cms
Price £28.00
