Category Archives: czechoslovakia


John Zizka of Trocnov 1360-1424

Jan Žižka z Trocnova a Kalicha (English: John Zizka of Trocnov and the Chalice;  was a Czech general who was a contemporary and follower of Jan Hus and was a Radical Hussite and led the Taborites. Žižka was a successful military leader and is now a Czech national hero. He was nicknamed “One-eyed Žižka”, having lost one and then both eyes. Jan Žižka led Hussite forces against three crusades and never lost a single battle although he was completely blind in his last stages of life.
Size 8 x 14 cms
Price £14.00


General Josef Baron von Kronenberg

Josef Kronenberg moved to Kunín from Hungary together with his doctor father. After the sudden death of his wife, Josef was taken in by Countess Walburga and entrusted to the care of her teacher and later guardian Anton Schneider. At fourteen, Josef let himself be recruited into the army, but against the wishes of Countess Walburga. He therefore preferred to return to Kunín as a lieutenant of the hunting battalion, and since then his career has risen steeply. He eventually became a general of the gendarmerie and a holder of the baronial title.
Size 11 x 16 cms
Price £28.00


Samuel Martini von Drazowa 1593-1639

Samuel Martinius from Dražov printer owner, publisher and Lutheran religious writer. He came from the Czech Horovice In 1614, he finished his studies at the University of Prague with the rank of master and was ordained a priest. From 1621 he lived in exile in Germany, Netherlands and England.
Size 10 x 16 cms
Price £28.00


Elizabeth Jane Weston 1582-1612

Elizabeth Jane Weston was an English-Czech poet, known for her Neo-Latin poetry. She had the unusual distinction for a woman of the time of having her poetry published.
Size 9.5 x 15 cms
Price £28.00
