Tag Archives: Politician

John Charles Herries 1778-1855

Chancellor of the Exchequer in Lord Goderich’s government (1827-1828), Master of the Mint in the government of the Duke of Wellington (1828-1830), President of the Board of Trade (1830); Secretary at War under Sir Robert Peel’s first governement (1834-1835), President of the Board of Control in Lord Derby’s first adminstration (1852).

Engraved by S.Freeman

Published 1846
Size 13 x 9 inches with margins

Price £16.00


John Hampden 1595-1643 English parliamentarian

One of the central figures at the start of the English Revolution. He entered Parliament as an MP in 1621, eight years before Charles I dissolved Parliament. Ship Money was a tax sometimes levied on coastal towns in wartime to pay for ships to protect the country from invasion. Charles, no longer receiving money from Parliament, in 1635 extended the Ship Money tax to include inland towns and counties. This attempt to create a new form of taxation without parliamentary sanction was resisted by Hampden, who refused to pay the levy. The king was unable to collect Ship Money, and was forced to recall Parliament in 1640. Hampden was one of the five MPs selected by Charles I for impeachment in 1642.

Artist/Engraver Chapman after Jacobus Houbraken
Size 14 x 10cms
Price £14.00
