Tag Archives: Transylvania

Captain of Tartars, captured by Prince of Transylvania.

Produced for Effiggie naturali de i maggior prencipi et piu valorosi capitani di questa eta con l’arme loro.
By Andreas Vacchari 1599
Titled as Captain of the Tartars, captured by the Most Serene Prince of Transylvania.
(Capitano dei Tartari, preso del serenissimo prencipe de Transilvania.)

Engraved by Giacomo Franco 1550 -1620
Size 27 x 19 cm

Price £28.00


Graf Karl Hieronymus Pálffy von Erdöd 1735-1816

Count Karl Hieronymus Pálffy von Erdöd, from 1807 Prince Palffy von Erdöd was the real court chancellor of the combined court chancellery of Hungary and Transylvania . He was also the progenitor of the princely branch of the Pálffy family .

Engraved by Johann Ernst Mansfeld 1749 – 1796
Size 16 x 10 cm

Price £14.00


Stephan Graf Pálffy of Erdöd

The House of Pálffy, also known as Pálffy von Erdöd, Pálffy de Erdöd, or Pálffy of Erdöd, is the name of an old Hungarian noble family, later incorporated into Austrian nobility. Members of the family held significant positions in the Habsburg monarchy. Erdőd is the Hungarian name for Ardud, a town situated in Transylvania.
Size 18 x 28 cms
Price £28.00
