Category Archives: Italian

Torquato Tasso 1544-1595

Torquato Tasso was an Italian poet of the 16th century, best known for his poem Gerusalemme liberata, in which he depicts a highly imaginative version of the combats between Christians and Muslims at the end of the First Crusade, during the Siege of Jerusalem.
Size 9 x 9.5 cms
Price £14.00


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Don Giovanni de’ Medici 1567-1621

Italian military commander, diplomat and architect. Medici was born the illegitimate son of Cosimo I de’ Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany and of Eleonora of Albizzi. Medici was later legitimated by his father
Size 12 x 15 cms
Price £28.00


Octavio Piccolomini. 1599-1656

Ottavio Piccolomini was an Italian nobleman whose military career included service as a Spanish general and then as a field marshal of the Holy Roman Empire
Artist: Sysang
Size 9 x 13 cms
Price £28.00


Charles Emmanuel III of Sardinia 1701-1773

Charles Emmanuel III was Duke of Savoy, King of Sardinia and ruler of the Savoyard states from 3 September 1730 until his death in 1773. He was the paternal grandfather of the last three mainline Kings of Sardinia.
Size 16.5 x 22.7 cms
Price £28.00


Cardinal Angelo Maria Querini 1680-1755

Quirini’s writings include many works on the history of the Church, of Corfu, and of Brescia, as well as a five-volume edition of the correspondence of Cardinal Reginald Pole. In Brescia, he founded in 1745 the Biblioteca Queriniana, which still exists today, and he sponsored the German missions. He also financed the completion of the St. Hedwig Church in Berlin, which is today the cathedral of the archbishopric of Berlin.
Size 10 x 15 cms
Price £18.00


Camillo Benso Graf von Cavour 1810-1861

Camillo Paolo Filippo Giulio Benso, Count of Cavour, Isolabella and Leri, generally known as Cavour, was an Italian politician, businessman, economist and noble, and a leading figure in the movement towards Italian unification
Artist: A.Weger
Size 16 x 22 cms
Price £14.00


Pietro Aretino 1492-1556

Italian author, playwright, poet, satirist and blackmailer, who wielded influence on contemporary art and politics.
Size 4.5 x 7 cms
Price £14.00


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