His articles, speeches, letters and poems appeared in the Magyar Hirmondo (1782. 95. Speech at the inauguration of Count József Teleki, Archbishop of Ugocsa County), in Magyar Musa (1788. III. Letter: Pest, Szent András hava 20. ), in Orpheus (II. 1790. Bucsuzása from the county of Abauj. Oct. 14, 1784.); in the Magyar Museum (from the last book of Agathon I. Wieland, translated by Lőrincz of Bold. baron Orczy, from the law book of Empress Katharina of Russia, which was printed in Petersburg, Russia in 1776, and his letters to Kazinczy: Tarna-Eörs Nov. 5, 1785, Nov. 1786 l.); In the Uj Magyar Muzeum (1853. I. Letters to Ferenc Kazinczy, Oct. 5, 1785, Nov. 1, 1786).
Artist Ehrenreich Sándor Ádám (1784-1852) after Sdunder
Size 30 x 25 cm
Price £28.00