Tag Archives: Writer

Johann Friedrich Hirt 1719-1783 German theologian

In 1775 he was appointed as the first professor of the theological faculty in Wittenberg. He thus became senior pastor at the Wittenberg town church , general superintendent of the Saxon electoral district and assessor at the Wittenberg consistory . He held these offices until his death in 1783. In his writings he deals with the exegesis of the Old Testament, Hebrew grammar and archaeology and other Semitic languages.

Artist/Engraver G. C. Schmidt
Size 20 x 17 cms
Price £18.00


Theoklitos Polyeidis 1698-1759

Greek scholar, teacher, translator, priest and monk during the period of the Modern Greek Enlightenment.
His most notable work was the Oracles of Agathagelos (Οι χρησμοί του Αγαθάγγελου) which was written c. 1750, and had a huge appeal in the court of Catherine II in Petersburg and greatly enhanced philhellenism in the European cities he personally visited. The Oracles of Agathagelos was also later republished by Rigas Feraios, promoting the revolutionary spirit of the subjugated Greeks, because they prophesied the future liberation of the Greeks.

Artist/Engraver Johann Georg Schmidt 1733
Size 18 x 13 cms
Price £28.00


Amelia Edwards 1831-1892

Amelia Ann Blanford Edwards , also known as Amelia B. Edwards, was an English novelist, journalist, traveller and Egyptologist. Her literary successes included the ghost story “The Phantom Coach” (1864), the novels Barbara’s History (1864) and Lord Brackenbury (1880), and the travelogue of Egypt A Thousand Miles up the Nile (1877). She also edited a poetry anthology published in 1878.
In 1882, she co-founded the Egypt Exploration Fund. She gained the nickname “Godmother of Egyptology” for her contribution.

Artist/Engraver A.Weger
Size 29 x 20 cms
Price £28.00


Hendrik Conscience 1812-1883

Belgian author. He is considered the pioneer of Dutch-language literature in Flanders, writing at a time when Belgium was dominated by the French language among the upper classes, in literature and government. Conscience fought as a Belgian revolutionary in 1830 and was a notable writer in the Romanticist style popular in the early 19th century. He is best known for his romantic nationalist novel, The Lion of Flanders (1838), inspired by the victory of a Flemish peasant militia over French knights at the 1302 Battle of the Golden Spurs during the Franco-Flemish War.

Size 28 x 21 cms
Price £16.00


Modesta di Pozzo di Forzi 1555-1592

Moderata Fonte, directly translating to Modest Well, is a pseudonym of Modesta di Pozzo di Forzi (or Zorzi), also known as Modesto Pozzo (or Modesta, feminization of Modesto),(1555–1592) a Venetian writer and poet.[5] Besides the posthumously-published dialogues, Giustizia delle donne and Il merito delle donne (gathered in The Worth of Women, 1600), for which she is best known, she wrote a romance and religious poetry. Details of her life are known from the biography by Giovanni Niccolò Doglioni (1548-1629), her uncle, included as a preface to the dialogue.

Size 32 x 21 cms
Price £35.00


Jan Jesenius 1566-1621

He was from an old noble family, the House of Jeszenszky, originally from the Kingdom of Hungary. He presented himself in his own works as eques Ungarus. His father, Boldizsár Jeszenszky de Nagyjeszen, left Turóc County (today the Turiec region in Slovakia) because of the Ottomans’ military campaign against Upper Hungary and settled down in Silesia in 1555. He married Marta Schülerin, who came from a wealthy German bourgeois family.

Artist: Matthäus Merian 1617
Size 13 x 10 cm

Price £SOLD


Jean François Paul de Gondi, Cardinal de Retz 1613-1679

French churchman, writer of memoirs, and agitator in the Fronde.
The Florentine banking and noble Gondi family had been introduced into France by Catherine de’ Medici; Catherine offered Jérome (Girolamo) de Gondi in 1573 the château that he made the nucleus of the Château de Saint-Cloud; his hôtel in the Faubourg Saint-Germain of Paris became the Hôtel de Condé in the following generation. The Gondi acquired great estates in Brittany and became connected with the noblest houses of the kingdom.

Artist/Engraver Picart
Size 19 x 14 cms
Price £18.00


Hendrik Conscience 1812-1883

Belgian author. He is considered the pioneer of Dutch-language literature in Flanders, writing at a time when Belgium was dominated by the French language among the upper classes, in literature and government. Conscience fought as a Belgian revolutionary in 1830 and was a notable writer in the Romanticist style popular in the early 19th century. He is best known for his romantic nationalist novel, The Lion of Flanders (1838), inspired by the victory of a Flemish peasant militia over French knights at the 1302 Battle of the Golden Spurs during the Franco-Flemish War.

Size 28 x 21 cms
Price £16.00


Alexandre Dumas fils 1824-1895


Alexandre Dumas fils was a French author and playwright, best known for the romantic novel La Dame aux Camélias published in 1848, which was adapted into Giuseppe Verdi’s 1853 opera La traviata as well as numerous stage and film productions, usually titled Camille in English-language versions.Dumas fils was the son of Alexandre Dumas père , also a well-known playwright and author of classic works such as The Three Musketeers and The Count of Monte Cristo.

Artist/Engraver Weger
Size 25 x 20 cms
Price £18.00
