Tag Archives: Poet

John Milton 1608-1674 poet

John Milton was an English poet and intellectual, who served as a civil servant for the Commonwealth of England under its Council of State and later under Oliver Cromwell. He wrote at a time of religious flux and political upheaval, and is best known for his epic poem Paradise Lost, written in blank verse
Size 16 x 15 cms
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Nicolas Boileau-Despréaux 1636-1711

Nicolas Boileau-Despréaux, often known simply as Boileau, was a French poet and critic. He did much to reform the prevailing form of French poetry, in the same way that Blaise Pascal did to reform the prose. He was greatly influenced by Horace.
Size 8.5 x 13 cms
Price £14.00


Prosper Jolyot de Crébillon 1674-1762

Prosper Jolyot de Crébillon was a French poet and tragedian. He is sometimes known as Crébillon père or Crébillon le Tragique to distinguish him from his son Claude Prosper Jolyot de Crébillon
Size 10 x 16 cms
Price £28.00
