Category Archives: Hungary

Jan Jesenius 1566-1621

He was from an old noble family, the House of Jeszenszky, originally from the Kingdom of Hungary. He presented himself in his own works as eques Ungarus. His father, Boldizsár Jeszenszky de Nagyjeszen, left Turóc County (today the Turiec region in Slovakia) because of the Ottomans’ military campaign against Upper Hungary and settled down in Silesia in 1555. He married Marta Schülerin, who came from a wealthy German bourgeois family.

Artist: Matthäus Merian 1617
Size 13 x 10 cm

Price £14.00


György Orossy 1650

Chief Justice of Hungary to Ferdinand III and royal councillor (1650–1665)
Size 6 x 9 cms
Price £14.00


Petar Keglević II (ca. 1485 – ca. 1555)

Captain and later ban of Jajce, from 1521 to 1522. In 1526, some months before the battle of Mohács, he got the jus gladii. However, he did not take part in the battle of Mohács (he arrived too late). From 1533 to 1537 he was the royal commissary for Croatia and Slavonia as attorney general. From 1537 to 1542 he was the Ban of Croatia and Slavonia.

Size 6 x 9 cms
Price £14.00


László Rákóczi de Felsővadász 1633-1664

Born 29 Apr 1633 in Zborov, (formerly Zboró, Sáros, Hungary), Bardejov, Slovensko. Son of Pál (Rákóczi) Rákóczi de Felsővadász and Anna (Pethe) Pethe de Hethes
Size 5 x 10 cms
Price £14.00


Ádám Forgách 1601-1681

Count Ádám Forgách de Ghymes et Gács was a Hungarian soldier and magnate in the Kingdom of Hungary, who served as Judge Royal from 13 October 1670 until his death. He was the eldest son of Baron Zsigmond Forgách, Palatine of Hungary
Size 6 x 10 cms
Price £14.00


Johann Pálffy ab Erdöd

The House of Pálffy, also known as Pálffy von Erdöd, Pálffy de Erdöd, or Pálffy of Erdöd, is the name of an old Hungarian noble family, later incorporated into Austrian nobility. Members of the family held significant positions in the Habsburg monarchy.
Size 6 x 9 cms
Price £14.00


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